Information for the 2025 reunion at Fort Leonard Wood, MO. September, 10th, 11th, 12th, 2025.
Our host hotel is:
Hampton Inn
103 St. Robert Plaza Drive
St. Robert, Missouri, 65584
(573) 528-0241
Everyone is to make their own reservation and the cut-off-date is 08/27/2025. If you wait until after this date you may not get a room at the host hotel or get the rate we have contracted. Cancellation must be made 24 hours prior to check-in to avoid cancelation fee and the first night room and tax charge. With this addendum in our contract it will allow you to make your reservation in advance and also be flexible if you have to cancel, just remember the 24 hour rule.
We have contracted the rooms at $110.00 per night and our hospitality room is complimentary for all three days.
It is encouraged that members continue to reach out to alumni of the 44th to join the association, along with US service members that had affiliation with the 44th.
There will be proxy vote forms attached to the spring and summer newsletter as well as a down loadable and printable form on our website. Proxy votes should continue to be mailed in advance of reunion, but if a last minute change of plans happens to a member (in good standing) they may call the president and have an over the phone proxy filled out and conveyed at business meeting. This must take place prior to business meeting. On the proxy form it will indicate that this was an over-the-phone authorization and that any member at business meeting can be allowed to authenticate its legitimacy.
At the business meeting this year is officer elections. The offices up for election are; President, First Vice President, Second Vice President, and Treasurer, all other positions are appointed. If you wish to be considered for one of these positions please let the Association Board of Directors know so your name can be added to the ballot.